Sunday Mornings at 9:30 AM // Wednesday Nights at 6:30 PM


Calvary Chapel Living Hope

We believe God has called us to meet together. We invite you
to join us to grow in your faith and celebrate all that
we have in Christ Jesus. All services are also available online.

Calvary Chapel Living Hope // Pastor Brad Lambert

Come Experience Life In Christ. Together.

Welcome to Calvary Chapel Living Hope in beautiful, redeveloped downtown Oceanside, California! Please join us as we worship, open God’s Word, and lift up the name of Jesus Christ, together!

It is our sincere hope and prayer that you will experience firsthand the love and truth of God in a personal and life giving way here at Calvary Chapel Living Hope.

We are excited to see how our Lord will pour out His grace and truth in us and around the world in this fresh new season. We hope to see you soon.

For the Glory of God,

Pastor Brad Lambert
Calvary Chapel Living Hope

Living Hope Church Ministries & Services

Through meaningful fellowship and studing God’s word.

Cross Currents International Ministries

Richard & Dorothy Bennett.

Men’s Ministries

Advancing in Godly maturity. Building up leaders who love, serve, and who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty.
Thursday Nights at 6:30 PM

Women’s Ministries

Connecting with God, connecting with each other. Come together to grow in true biblical freedom and in finding our identity in Christ.
In PersonMeeting Tuesday Nights at 6:30 PM

Family Ministries

Building marriage and family relationships through the power of God’s word, the intimacy of God’s love, and healing of the Holy Spirit. Discover God’s plan for unity and love in your family.

Children’s Ministries

Caring for God’s youngest lambs through time in the word, art, music, and creative play. Nurturing the whole flock, one child at a time.
Sunday Mornings at 9:30 AM // Wednesday Nights at 6:30 PM

Teen Ministries

Bringing teens together to be built up in faith, strengthened in God’s word, and encouraged through Godly friendships.
Sunday Mornings at 9:30 AM // Wednesday Nights at 6:30 PM

Comunidad Hispana. Ministerio en Español

Latinos unidos sirviendo al Señor. Deseosos de alcanzar a la comunidad Latina con la Palabra del Señor. Viernes 6:00 pm. 609 Topaz Court. Vista, CA 92083

Prayer Ministries

Seeking God in prayer; hearing His encouragement, responding to His love, and following His direction.
Monday-Friday Mornings at 7:30 AM-8:30 AM
Every Sunday at 6:30 PM

Global Outreach Missions

Serving God globally, locally and passionately in all we do.

About Us

A Place To Grow In Christ. Together.

Calvary Chapel Living Hope was established on Easter Sunday, 1995. We began as an outreach ministry through Calvary Chapel Vista, and have since established a family-like atmosphere in the heart of Downtown Oceanside. God sent us out with two scriptures:

Matthew 16:18 “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”

2 Peter 3:18 “but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Through the years, we can boldly say that God has kept these promises to us! We welcome and encourage you to find your home here at Living Hope, and we are confident that you will see yourself grow in the Lord Jesus Christ as we seek Him together, through Grace and truth.


Fellowship Women’s Resurrection Breakfast 03/23/2024

Celebrating & Deepening Our Faith. Together.

Rejoice in the love of God.

Connect, Grow & Rejoice. Together.

Messages That Inspire. Everyday.

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Calvary Chapel Living Hope

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